He clearly portrays that these two different ideologies are not merely fighting for superiority, they are fighting for survival. Both of them have respectable values, however they seriously threaten each other. D'S
ouza also does a fantastic job of breaking down each of these complex ideologies in simpler terms. Addressing what they're based on, what they're fighting for and the different fundamentals that are involved. One interesting line for me was addressing Americans that go abroad often ret
urn home with a deep appreciation of this country and its system. I spent about ten days in China in the summer of 2007, and u
pon returning home I felt I could kiss the ground I was so happy to be back and grateful for the country I live in.
Interestingly enough in this essay, after the breaking down the complexities of both ideologies within this paper, their is a big underlining position that was failed to mention, which is the authors clear embrace of the ide
a of
Americanizing the world for its own betterment. This view favors protecting Americas security in the name of national interest. The author shows us how we can win in liberating the islamic ideology to be more compatible with wes
tern ideology, but is force-feeding freedom really our responsibility? Is it our right to change another civilization because we see how to make it more compatible with our own, and comfort ourselves that they will be happier, or is that ju
st what we need to tell ourselves to justify our
actions in protecting our freedom?
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